Terms & Conditions
At Perfumeworldstore.com, we fully support the quality of our merchandise by only providing products of the highest caliber. Although certain items may not have been purchased directly from the product manufacturer, all Perfumeworldstore.com merchandise is received from reliable distributors at discounted prices. This enables Perfumeworldstore.com to provide its customers with substantially competitive savings. Therefore, Perfumeworldstore.com disclaims in specific any display of authorization as a dealer or agent of designers whose merchandise are presented on its website.
Additionally, Perfumeworldstore.com denies any and all embodiments or warranties articulated or indicated in reference to this website and its connotations, which also contain the products sold on the Perfumeworldstore.com website.
All contents of the Perfumeworldstore.com website, including the merchandise offered for sell, are provided as is. Customers of Perfumeworldstore.com assent that they have read all the terms and conditions prior to purchase, and that Perfumeworldstore.com is not accountable for any adversities that emerge from this site. Such adversities include but are not limited to direct or indirect, accidental, consequential, or punitory afflictions.
With any exclusions to the foregoing, Perfumeworldstore.com does not indicate or authorize that the information provided on this website are current, precise, beneficial, valuable, or contain entirety, nor that this website will function without interference or fault.
Customers must be 18 and over to purchase from Perfumeworldstore.com. We reserve the right to refuse service to any person for any reason.
By Submitting your order at Perfumeworldstore.com you agree to Perfumeworldstore.com return and cancellation policy.
In order to contract with Perfumeworldstore.com, you must be 18 years of age or over and possess a valid credit or debit card issued by a bank acceptable to us. Perfumeworldstore.com retains the right to refuse any request made by you. If your order is accepted, we will inform you by email. When placing an order you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorized user of the credit or debit card used to place your order and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods.
Title of merchandise is transferred to the customer at the time of delivery by the discharge center to an accepted carrier.
Customers must be 18 and over to purchase from Perfumeworldstore.com. We reserve the right to refuse service to any person(s) for any reason(s).
Pricing Information
To distinguish the corresponding savings, Perfumeworldstore.com may provide price comparisons for each item. MSRP indicates the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price, also known as the List Price provided to us by our distributing vendors. Perfumeworldstore.com implies no portrayal that a considerable number of any item has been sold or exhibited for sale at the manufacturer list price. Retail prices for any of the items displayed on Perfumeworldstore.com may vary depending on the retailer and/or the location. Due to the fact that Perfumeworldstore.com products are sold internationally over the internet, we are unable to track our items or predict whether they are or will be sold elsewhere at the suggested retail price.
Perfumeworldstore.com reserves the right to change the price and quantity of its products without prior notification. Technical or price errors will be corrected upon acknowledgement. Due to the large selection of items at Perfumeworldstore.com it is possible that price errors may occur from time to time. Perfumeworldstore.com is not required to provide any falsely priced product at the incorrect (lower) price. This rule pertains even after the customer has received an order/shipping confirmation.
Product Description
Although Perfumeworldstore.com personnel have made every attempt to get the photos of our products as close to the actual merchandise in terms of its placement in the color spectrum, the color of the items depend on the customers monitor. Perfumeworldstore.com does not guarantee that the product descriptions are valid in entirety, preciseness, reliability, or error-free. If an item on Perfumeworldstore.com is not as characterized by the website, the customer may return the product for a refund in the condition it was received (unused). Please note that we do our best to keep an up to date image of our products, however, the product image may not reflect the most up to date product description due to the vast number of brands changing their retail packaging and/or reformulating of the same. Perfumeworldstore does not take responsibility for an outdated product image.
Technical Lapses and Exclusions
The information on Perfumeworldstore.com may include typographical faults or incorrectness, and may not always be complete or updated. Perfumeworldstore.com reserves the right to correct any lapses, exclusions, mistake, glitch, and to adjust or alter the information provided at any time without prior notice (including post-submission of the customers order). Such lapses, exclusions, mistakes, or glitches may be in reference to product description, pricing, and/or availability. Perfumeworldstore.com also reserves the right to limit quantities of item availability (including post-submission of the customers order).
Perfumeworldstore.com personnel apologize in advance for any inconvenience such lapses and exclusions may cause our customers. If a customer is not fully satisfied with the price of a purchase, the product may be returned within 5 days with its original packaging along with the original packaging slip. If a mistake is retrieved by Perfumeworldstore.com personnel upon packaging the shipment, the customer will be informed. If a product is accidentally mispriced lower than its Perfumeworldstore.com price, the customer will be given the choice to either pay the balance and receive the product, or be refunded for the amount already paid.
E-Mail Submissions
Perfumeworldstore.com only sends special offers and promotional e-mails to members and customers who request this feature. Our newsletters and announcements will only be sent to those who have registered to receive such special offers. If an unsolicited e-mail has been sent to a user, the user may opt-out of receiving future e-mails by contacting Perfumeworldstore.com at: contact@perfumeworldstore.com
Or,by logging onto the user account to opt-out of receiving promotional e-mails.
How to Place an Order:
To place an order, simply find the item of desire, click the Add to Bag option provided for each item. Once all desired items have been added to the shopping bag, click the Shopping Bag button located on the Bottomright corner of each page. After making all necessary modifications to the shopping bag, continue to check out by clicking on the Checkout option. For a smooth checkout process, please make sure to fill out all the required information accurately. To complete the order, click on the Submit Order button. After submission, a confirmation number will be provided. It is recommended to print a copy of the confirmation for personal records. Please be aware that your billing address must match the billing address of your credit card. Orders without proper address verification will be delayed for further investigation. Perfumeworldstore.com reserves the right to cancel any order that cannot be verified due to a faulty address or invalid bank/credit card information.
Finding a Specific Item:
If you know the name of the item you are inquiring from Perfumeworldstore.com, simply type the name of the item you are searching for in the Search box, located in the top corner of every page.
Searching for Items by Brand:
To find an item by brand, click on Shop by Brand to view all available items within a brand.
Searching Within a Particular Category or Department:
Every item sold on Perfumeworldstore.com falls under a specific category or department. In order to shop under specific categories or departments, refer to any of the categories within the dropdown tab menu in the navigation bar on top of the page. Keep in mind that by continuing to narrow the search with each step, your selection continues to filter, and the number of results will decrease throughout the search process.
Payment Methods:
Perfumeworldstore.com uses the Paystack payment system, and honors the following payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Verve, and Bank Transfer
Credit Card Charges:
An account is charged when the order has been processed, and the billing address has been verified and confirmed.
Order Status and Tracking Number
Perfumeworldstore.com will e-mail the customer with a tracking number assigned to each package. For easy tracking purposes, Perfumeworldstore.com will also send automatic e-mail updates regarding the status of the customer’s order. Click here to track Your order. where you will be prompted to enter a tracking (label/receipt) number. Perfume World Store registered members may keep track of the status of all orders, including order history, in their Perfume World Store Account. Simply click on the My Account option in the dropdown menu at the top right corner of the page, and click on Order Status, or you may click on the Order History tab to view all orders. Please allow an estimated 24 hours for your tracking number to be accessible on the carrier’s website.
Damaged, Mismatched, or Missing Items
Because we strive to achieve 100% customer satisfaction, we preview and inspect each item thoroughly at the time of packaging. If an item has been shipped out from our warehouse in a damaged or flawed condition, Perfumeworldstore.com accepts 100% responsibility for that item. Otherwise Damaged, Mismatched, or Missing items are non-returnable, non-refundable, and non-exchangeable.
We do not take any responsibilities for any damages after shipment is received. If the item was damaged during shipment, we would replace it, but if it was damaged/broken after item is opened and used we don’t send replacement as it is simply not our fault. Fragrances are very fragile and we should be very careful when we take them out of the box.